Related in Disorders and Conditions, Infections
Parasitic Diseases: MedlinePlus
Parasites are living things that use other living things - like your body - for food and a place to live. You can get them from contaminated food or water, a bug bite, or sexual contact. Some parasiti
Read moreAbscess: MedlinePlus
An abscess is a pocket of pus. You can get an abscess almost anywhere in your body. When an area of your body becomes infected, your body's immune system tries to fight the infection. White blood cell
Read moreMeningitis | Spinal Meningitis | MedlinePlus
Meningitis is inflammation of the thin tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord, called the meninges. There are several types of meningitis. The most common is viral meningitis. You get it when
Read moreHIV: PrEP and PEP
What are PrEP and PEP? PrEP and PEP are medicines to prevent HIV. Each type is used in a different situation: PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is for people who don't already have HIV but
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